• the prevalence of unruptured intracranial aneurysms (UIA) is ~ 0.5-5%
    • modern and widely used imaging methods increase the rate of detection of incidental intracranial aneurysms
    • multiple aneurysms are found in 20-30% of cases
  • management of unruptured asymptomatic aneurysms is controversial
  • the decision-making process involves weighing the individual risks of conservative management versus intervention, considering several prognostic factors
  • distinguish:
    • incidental aneurysm + personal history of SAH from another aneurysm – the highest risk of bleeding (up to 10-fold compared to true incidental aneurysm)
    • incidental aneurysm + positive family history of SAH
    • incidental aneurysm + negative family and personal history of SAH

Risk factors

Risk factors for aneurysm formation
Congenital Acquired
AD polycystic kidney disease
Fibromuscular dysplasia (MD)
hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
neurofibromatosis type 1
tuberous sclerosis
coarctation of the aorta
Ehler-Danlos type IV
Marfan syndrome
α1-antitrypsin deficiency
age > 50 years
alcohol abuse
cocaine or amphetamine abuse
head trauma

Prognostic factors

  • several factors significantly influence surgical outcome, and these factors should be considered when evaluating treatment alternatives (AHA guidelines 2020)
  • these factors can be grouped into patient characteristics (age, symptoms, and medical condition), aneurysm characteristics (size, location,
    and morphology), and other factors (hospital and surgical team experience)

Aneurysm characteristics

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Patient characteristics

  • age, gender, and comorbidities (⇒ higher surgical risk)
    • according to ISUIA, the mortality/morbidity rate was 6.5% for patients < 45 years,  14.4% for patients 45-65 years, and 32% for those over 65 years
    • ↑ risk of rupture in decompensated hypertension
    • ↑ risk for smokers (up to 4-fold in women)  [Ogilvy, 2020]
    • ↑ risk in women
  • race
  • history of SAH due to another aneurysm (~10-fold risk)
  • family history of SAH (highest risk with ≥ 2 relatives are affected)
    • the chance of having an aneurysm correlates with the number of affected first-degree relatives (higher risk for siblings rather than parents or children)
    • aneurysms in familial SAH cases are more frequently large and multiple compared to sporadic cases
    • patients with familial SAH tend to be younger than those with sporadic cases

Experience of a surgeon/interventional radiologist

  • combined morbidity/mortality

Prognostic scores


The unruptured intracranial aneurysm treatment score [Etminan, 2015]

→ UIA score calculator

The unruptured intracranial aneurysm treatment score
PHASES score
PHASES score – prediction of the risk of aneurysm rupture  [Greving, 2013]
< 70 y
≥ 70 y
Aneurysm size
< 7 mm
7-9.9 mm
10-19.9 mm
> 20 mm
Previous SAH
Aneurysm location
ACA, PCA, PComA, and posterior circulation
PHASES risk score
PHASES - risk of rupture / 5 yrs

Diagnostic evaluation


  • patients should be informed about the risks and benefits of conservative treatment, clipping, and coiling (AHA/ASA 2009 IIa/B)
  • procedure risks:
    • post-craniotomy epilepsy
    • periprocedural stroke
    • aneurysm rupture
  • wigh the risk of rupture per year against the patient’s life expectancy
  • a randomized trial comparing surgical and conservative management of unruptured aneurysms is not available and cannot be expected in the neart future
  • there is a paradox between the fact that, according to ISUIA, the risk of bleeding is low for small aneurysms (<7 mm ⇒ 0.7% per year) and the observation that most bleeding aneurysms in routine practice are in the 7-10 mm range
    • it is assumed that some aneurysms undergo a period of higher risk of rupture after their formation, followed by stabilization and transition to a period of low risk –  some of these aneurysms are likely to bleed shortly after their formation
    • therefore, it makes sense to treat only incidental aneurysms that grow or change their shape
    • long-term stable aneurysms have a low risk of bleeding

ISUIA (International Study of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms) study is the largest and most widely discussed trial

  • n= 4060, three groups: no surgery x clipping x coiling
  • the larger the aneurysm, the greater the risk of rupture
  • higher risk for aneurysms in PComA, PCA, and basilar artery
  • higher risk in patients with previous SAH from another source (approx. 10-fold)
  • the prospective arm (1991-1998) had an overall higher incidence of bleeding than the retrospective arm (1970-1991) – 0.8% vs. 0.3%
  • according to the prospective data, the risks of clipping and coiling are comparable, but coiling achieved complete obliteration in only 51% of cases
  • patients with aneurysms in the anterior circulation (MCA, AComA) had better outcomes when they underwent clipping rather than coiling
  • the differences in the results between the retrospective and prospective arms make the generalization of the results problematic
  • some authors believe that the ISUIA study underestimates the risk of bleeding, as most ruptured aneurysms fall within the 7-10 mm diameter range
The 5-year cumulative risk of rupture
anterior circulation
posterior circulation  (incl. PCoA)
< 7 mm 0% 2.5%
7-12 mm 2.6% 14.5%
13-24 mm 14.5% 18.4%
≥ 25 40% 50%

A rather conservative approach

  • unruptured, asymptomatic aneurysms < 7mm (especially in the anterior circulation) with no history of SAH
  • low PHASES score
  • UIA score favoring conservative management
  • older age and severe comorbidities
  • for large asymptomatic intra-cavernous ICA aneurysms, management is individualized
  • monitor patients with 3D TOF MRA → procedure is recommended if aneurysm growth or daughter aneurysm formation is detected

Rather surgical/interventional procedure

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  • the first follow-up (MRA/CTA) should be done in 6-12 months after the procedure, then every 1 or 2 years

Screening for asymptomatic aneurysms

  • generally not recommended (only grade C recommendations; cost-effectiveness is unknown)
  • screening is not recommended in the general population, including smokers and alcoholics  (AHA guidelines 2020)
    • may be considered in female smokers aged 30-60 years  [Ogilvy, 2020]
    • no indication for patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV (high risk of treatment), neurofibromatosis, or Marfan syndrome
  • screening with noninvasive methods is recommended for:
    • patients with a history of aneurysmal SAH (↑ risk of new aneurysm formation)
    • first-degree relatives of patients with aneurysmal SAH (especially siblings)
    • individuals with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD)
  • choice of screening method
    • MRA is preferred (no contrast injection and radiation exposure)
    • both CTA and MRA have a risk of missing very small aneurysms (which are typically not treated)
    • in patients with previously clipped aneurysms, CTA is preferred (extensive artifacts caused by clips on MRA)
    • MRA is preferred in patients who have undergone coiling (as coils produce minimal artifacts on MRA)
  • more data are needed to help identify patients who would benefit from screening

Development of new aneurysms

  • intracranial aneurysms are not congenital lesions but develop (grow) during life
  • patients who have survived an episode of SAH are at increased risk of having a new bleeding episode from:
    • treated aneurysm
    • already existing, known aneurysm
    • new aneurysm
      • the annual rate of new aneurysm formation in patients treated for aneurysmal SAH is reported 1-2%
      • risk factors include multiple aneurysms at the time of SAH, smoking, and hypertension
  • recurrent or de novo aneurysms are found in up to 30% of patients with SAH  ⇒ screening should be repeated in a high-risk population with negative baseline imaging

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