Basic neurological examination
Updated on 06/08/2024, published on 28/08/2023
- the purpose of the examination is to localize the lesion
- the basic set of clinical tests is discussed in this chapter
- a complete examination used to diagnose various neurological conditions is time-consuming; additional tests may be required, such as the Dix-Hallpike test, testing of specific symbolic functions, MMSE, brainstem reflexes, tests for detecting thoracic outlet syndrome, etc.)
- in acute stroke settings, the components of the NIH stroke scale are of paramount importance
- examination of an unconscious patient is discussed in a separate chapter
- the patient is alert and has intact cognition, alertness, and orientation to time, place, and person
- there is no dysarthria or aphasia
- the visual field is intact, eye movements are unrestricted, without nystagmus and diplopia; pupils are isocoric with symmetrical and brisk reaction to light
- facial innervation is intact, as are the remaining c
- extremities have normal tone and strength (5/5) bilaterally, there is no evidence of atrophy or fasciculations
- deep tendon reflexes are normal (2+)
- no ataxia and dysmetria, no pathologic reflexes
- gait, balance, and coordination are normal
- no meningeal signs
- all sensory modalities are preserved
- rapid mental status assessment is an integral part of the acute stroke evaluation (LOC, attention, and orientation are tested as components of the NIH Stroke Scale (NIHSS)
- level of consciousness (LOC)
- → Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
- AVPU scale (Alert, Verbal, Painful, Unresponsive)
- attention and concentration
- orientation (to person, time, and place)
- what day is it? (exact date or day of week)
- where are we?
- how old are you?
- where do you live?
- memory – evaluate both short-term and long-term memory; add Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE) if needed
- visuospatial functions
- ask the patient to draw a clock face with all the numbers in the correct positions
- ask the patient to copy a simple geometric figure (e.g., a triangle or square)
- patient’s behavior and mood, note signs of delirium
- Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU (CAM-ICU) is useful for detecting delirium in non-verbal or mechanically ventilated patients
- signs of delirium:
- fluctuating levels of consciousness
- disorientation to time and place
- impaired attention and concentration
- agitation or drowsiness
- hallucinations or delusions
AVPU scale
- scale is useful to rapidly grade a patient’s level of consciousness, responsiveness, or mental status:
Alert – the patient is aware of the examiner, can respond to the environment around them, follow commands, open their eyes spontaneously, and track objects
Verbally responsive – the patient’s eyes open only in response to a verbal stimulus directed toward them. The patient can react to that verbal stimulus directly and in a meaningful way
Painfully responsive – the patient responds (move, moan, cry) to painful stimuli only
Unresponsive – the patient does not react spontaneously to verbal or painful stimuli
- correlation of AVPU and GCS
GCS Score 15 – alert
GCS 12 to 13 – verbally responsive
GCS 5 to 6 – physically responsive
GCS 3 – unresponsive
- rapid evaluation of speech is essential, as it is a key component of the NIHSS score
- during the interview, speech should be assessed focusing on two main aspects:
- phatic functions (ability to understand spoken language, obey commands, name objects, and produce spontaneous fluent speech)
- articulation and phonation (pronunciation, volume, phonation, and melodicity)
- aphasia typically suggests a lesion in the dominant cerebral hemisphere, often involving Broca’s or Wernicke’s area
- dysarthria may indicate either cortical or subcortical lesions, making it a poor localizing sign
- the cranial nerves (CN) innervate structures in the head and neck; they have motor, sensory, and autonomic functions
- the olfactory nerve (CN I) and the optic nerve (CN II) originate from the cerebrum, while CN III-XII exit from the brainstem
- abnormalities in cranial nerve function assist in localizing lesions to specific areas of the brain or brainstem
- a single cranial nerve lesion suggests peripheral neuropathy (very rarely caused by an isolated nuclear lesion)
- brainstem lesions usually involve multiple cranial nerves + motor/sensory tracts
- a unique set of signs and symptoms (usually a combination of nuclear and fascicular lesions) form well-recognized brainstem syndromes (such as Wallenberg syndrome, Millard-Gubler syndrome, Weber’s Syndrome)
- items usually examined in acute stroke settings are part of the NIH Stroke Scale
- LOC, orientation, and attention
- speech – dysartria x aphasia?
- visual impairment?
- conjugate or disconjugate gase palsy? diplopia?
- facial paresis?
- paresis?
- sensory impairment
CN I – Olfactory nerve
- testing involves evaluating the patient’s sense of smell; test is often omitted in emergency settings
- one nostril at a time is tested while the other is covered
- the odor should be detected and identified
- most common pathologies:
- anosmia (COVID and other infections, nasal polyps, allergies, traumatic lesion of the cribriform plate, Parkinson’s disease, lesions at the base of the skull)
- hyposmia – reduced ability to smell, may be due to partial nerve damage or other non-neurological factors
CN II – Optic nerve
- visual acuity (each eye separately, using Snellen chart or a similar tool)
- visual fields
- test all quadrants, including simultaneous stimulation (to detect neglect)
- perimetry
- pupillary light reflex – evaluate direct and consensual pupillary responses to light (CN II serves as an afferent pathway)
- altered light reflex involves an abnormal constriction in response to light stimulation; it indicates either an optic nerve lesion or a lesion of the efferent path
- fundoscopy – check the optic disc for signs of swelling, pallor, or hemorrhage
- color vision (using Ishihara plates or a similar method)
Altered light reflex
- afferent pathway lesions: optic nerve damage may result in a poor or absent light reflex
- efferent pathway lesions: oculomotor nerve (CN III) dysfunction can lead to sluggish or absent pupillary constriction
- transtentorial herniation may cause unilateral or bilateral fixed, dilated pupils (due to the CN III compression)
- sympathetic Pathway: Horner’s syndrome may result in miosis and a slower dilation response
- pharmacological agents
- atropine or phenylephrine may cause mydriasis
- opioids may cause miosis
CN III, IV, and VI – Oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves
- these cranial nerves control the extraocular muscles and facilitate coordinated eye movements
- inspection – assess for ptosis, strabismus, or other abnormal eye position
- testing:
- extraocular movements
- smooth pursuit – the patient is asked to follow the examiner’s finger with their eyes; test movement in all directions, including vergence (focusing on a near object)
- saccades (fast eye movements involved in acquiring new visual targets) – instruct the patient to quickly shift gaze between two horizontally or vertically aligned targets without moving the head
- during the examination, ask about diplopia and note any strabism or involuntary eye movements (indicating vestibular or central nervous system involvement)
- pupillary response
- direct and consensual light reflex (see CN II) – normal, poor or absent reaction
- assess miosis and convergence facilitated by the near vision
- extraocular movements
- abnormal findings:
- disconjugate eye movements
- uncoordinated or asymmetrical movements, often indicative of a lesion affecting either the brainstem or the peripheral nerves involved in ocular motility
- the oculomotor nerve lesion leads to ipsilateral dilated pupil, ptosis, and outward and downward deviation of the eye
- lateral deviation of the eye (lateral rectus muscle palsy) is typical for the lesion of the CN VI; bilateral palsy may be caused by intracranial hypertension
- Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia (INO) – a brainstem lesion affecting the medial longitudinal fasciculus leads to impaired adduction in the eye ipsilateral to the lesion during horizontal gaze, with nystagmus in the abducting contralateral eye
- skew deviation – a vertical misalignment of the eyes due to a brainstem or cerebellar lesion
- One-and-a-half syndrome – a combination of INO and a horizontal gaze palsy, typically due to a unilateral brainstem lesion
- uncoordinated or asymmetrical movements, often indicative of a lesion affecting either the brainstem or the peripheral nerves involved in ocular motility
- conjugate gaze palsy (vertical, horizontal)
- impairment of coordinated (horizontal or vertical) eye movements due to a lesion affecting the supranuclear pathways or gaze centers; both eyes are affected symmetrically
- horizontal gaze palsy – lesions affecting the cortex or the paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF) and the abducens nucleus
- contralateral cortical lesion (“patient looks at the infarct lesion”); eyes are deviated toward the lesion
- contralateral brainstem lesion; eyes are deviated from the lesion
- vertical gaze palsy – lesions in the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (riMLF) or the posterior commissure can impair upward and/or downward gaze
- disconjugate eye movements
- nuclear lesion may be associated with involvement of brainstem pathways (Weber syndrome) → brainstem syndromes
CN V – Trigeminal nerve
- CN V is responsible for facial sensation and masticatory muscle control
- examination is essential for diagnosing conditions like trigeminal neuralgia, tumors affecting the cerebellopontine angle, etc.
- sensory testing: evaluate light touch, pain, and temperature sensation in the three divisions (ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular) on both sides of the face
- corneal reflex: gently touch the cornea with a cotton wisp and observe for a blink response (move from side to avoid triggering the blink reflex)
- corneal reflex is tested in comatose patients to assess the level of brainstem lesion
- absence of the reflex in an awake patient suggests a lesion of the trigeminal or facial nerve or both
- jaw-jerk reflex: tap the jaw with a reflex hammer while the mouth is slightly open (exaggerated reflex is a sign of upper motor neuron lesion)
- motor testing: assess the strength of the masseter and temporalis muscles by asking the patient to clench their teeth and move the jaw from side to side; palpate and visually inspect for muscle wasting and asymmetry
CN VII – Facial nerve
- supplies the facial muscles, stapedius muscle, and sensory (taste) information from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue (via the chorda tympani branch)
- the general somatic sensations like touch, temperature, and pain from this region are conveyed via the lingual nerve, a branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve
- patient is asked to raise their eyebrows, close their eyes tightly, smile, and blow up their cheeks
- weakness of the entire side of the face is indicative of either a peripheral lesion or damage to the facial nucleus on the ipsilateral side (like in Bell’s palsy or a pontine infarct)
- peripheral lesion can also present with hyperacusis and loss of taste to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
- weakness of the lower half of the face with sparing of the forehead is suggestive of a supranuclear lesion contralateral to the palsy (motor cortex)
- forehead has innervation from both the left and right sides of the motor cortex
CN VIII – Vestibulocochlear nerve
- examination involves the assessment of both auditory and vestibular functions
- assessment of hearing
- asses ability to discern words or sentences at a low volume or rubbing fingers close to the ear
- audiometry (gold standard)
- if a hearing deficit is established, doing the Weber and Rinne tests enables conductive vs. sensorineural hearing loss differentiation
- a normal Rinne exam will exhibit air conduction (AC) greater than bone conduction (BC), a conductive hearing loss will show BC greater than AC; in patients with sensorineural hearing loss, AC will be greater than BC, but for a shorter duration when compared to a normal subject
- a normal Weber test shows hearing the sound/vibration equally in both ears. A conductive hearing loss will lateralize the sound to the abnormal ear, while a sensorineural hearing loss will lateralize to the normal ear
- vestibular testing
- note any nystagmus, imbalance (tonic deviation of arms or while standing), or other signs of vestibular dysfunction
- Head Impulse Test (HIT) – assesses the horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR); particularly useful for diagnosing acute unilateral vestibular lesions
- caloric stimulation (evaluates a unilateral vestibular dysfunction) – warm or cold water irrigation of the external auditory canal is used to stimulate the vestibular apparatus, observing for nystagmus
- Dix-Hallpike Maneuver (used to diagnose benign paroxysmal positional vertigo)
Head Impulse Test (HIT)
- HIT is a diagnostic maneuver employed to assess the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) and evaluate acute peripheral vestibular function
- The procedure involves the following steps:
- the patient is seated and instructed to fixate on a target directly ahead
- the examiner quickly rotates the patient’s head horizontally to one side, approximately 15-20 degrees, without warning
- the examiner observes the patient’s eyes for corrective saccades
- results:
- negative HIT – eyes remain fixated on the target, indicating a functional VOR and suggesting that peripheral vestibular function is intact
- positive HIT – eyes make a corrective saccade to re-fixate on the target, indicative of a deficient VOR and suggestive of a peripheral vestibular lesion on the side to which the head was turned
CN IX and X – Glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves
- CN IX and X innervate the pharynx and posterior third of the tongue
- the vagus nerve also innervates the larynx and upper portion of the gastrointestinal tract
- assess the patient’s speech, seek for hoarseness or nasal speech
- the patient may also be asked to swallow some water and observed for coughing or gurgling, which may indicate weakness of the muscles involved in swallowing
- ask the patient to open the mouth and say “aaaa,” and observe the symmetry of the palatal arch
- the deviation of the uvula to one side indicates a vagal nerve lesion on the opposite side
CN XI – Spinal accessory nerve
- innervates the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles
- assess for tone, muscle atrophy, or asymmetry in the neck and shoulder regions
- test motor function and compare both sides:
- instruct the patient to rotate the head against resistance
- ask the patient to shrug the shoulders against resistance
- examine the extent of cervical rotation and shoulder elevation
CN XII – Hypoglossal nerve (nervus hypoglossus)
- provides motor innervation to the tongue
- examination involves inspecting the tongue in the relaxed position within the oral cavity
- the presence of increased corrugation and fasciculations may indicate motor neuron disease (MND)
- look for possible deviation
- the presence of increased corrugation and fasciculations may indicate motor neuron disease (MND)
- instruct the patient to protrude the tongue and move it laterally
- the deviation to one side upon protrusion suggests either a contralateral central lesion or an ipsilateral peripheral lesion (due to the predominance of the intact genioglossus muscle)
- the central lesion is less pronounced than a peripheral lesion, given that the corticobulbar tract has both contralateral and homolateral components
- peripheral lesions are accompanied by atrophy; fasciculations indicate nuclear involvement – usually MND)
- these tests evaluate cerebellar functions (coordination, balance, and fine motor skills)
- you can increase the difficulty of this test by adding resistance to the patient’s movements or moving your finger to different locations
- normal finding: the task is performed with precision, touching both the nose and the examiner’s finger accurately
- abnormal finding: the patient’s finger overshoots or undershoots the target (dysmetria), and an intention tremor may be observed
- the patient is asked to place the heel on the knee of the opposite leg and then slide the heel in a straight line down the shin
- normal finding: the movement is smooth and accurate, with the heel maintaining contact with the tibia throughout the movement
- abnormal finding: dysmetria, or a lack of coordinated movement (ataxia), tremor or decomposition of movement
- foot or finger tapping
- pronation-supination test (the patient is asked to pronate (turn the palm down) and supinate (turn the palm up) their hands as quickly and smoothly as possible for 5 seconds
- protrusion-retraction of tongue
- Romberg test and gait analysis (see separate tab)
- speech (scanning speech in cerebellar disorders causes enunciation of individual syllables
- assess tonus (hypotonia is described in cerebellar syndrome)
- muscle inspection (look for deformities, fasciculations, hypertrophy, or atrophy)
- palpate muscles to assess for mass lesions or localized pain
- assess the tonus (resistance to passive motion in the major joints)
- differentiate between normal tonus, flaccidity, spasticity, or rigidity
- differentiate between normal tonus, flaccidity, spasticity, or rigidity
- strength assessment
- scored 0-5, ranging from “none” to “normal”
- compare the left and right sides and differentiate between proximal and distal weakness
- arm tests
- Mingazzini test – extremities are extended horizontally with palms down and eyes closed; assess for drop indicating weakness)
- grip strength and fine motor skills of the hand
- perform fine motor tasks, such as writing or picking up small objects
- Dufour test – both extremities are extended horizontally in maximum supination with eyes closed; assess for possible pronation and drop
- legs tests
- Mingazzini test – the patient lies supine and raises the legs with the knees bent at 90 degrees. Failure to maintain the position indicates weakness (exclude pain, etc.)
- test hip and knee flexion, extension, plantar and dorsal ankle flexion
- tiptoe and heel walking (observe gait)
- estimate lesion type: differentiate between cortical, brainstem, spinal cord, peripheral nerve, or muscle disease
- reflexes help differentiate upper motor neuron (UMN) from lower motor neuron (LMN) lesions
- deep tendon reflexes (DTR)
- pathologic reflexes
- UMN lesions = hyperreflexia with positive pathologic reflexes, and clonus
- LMN lesions = hyporeflexia or areflexia in the absence of pathologic reflexes
Deep tendon reflexes
- assessed by tapping specific tendons with a reflex hammer
- biceps reflex (C5-6) – striking the biceps tendon while the patient’s arm is partially flexed at the elbow elicits flexion of the elbow
- brachioradialis reflex (C5-6) – striking the tendon near the wrist elicits the flexion and supination of the forearm at the elbow joint
- triceps reflex (C7-8) – striking the triceps tendon just above the olecranon process while the patient’s arm is flexed at the elbow elicits a contraction of the triceps brachii muscle, leading to extension of the elbow
- patellar/knee-jerk reflex (L2-L4) – striking the patellar tendon below the patella while the patient’s leg is relaxed and slightly bent at the knee elicits a contraction of the quadriceps femoris muscle, leading to a brief extension of the knee
- Achilles tendon reflex (S1-S2) – striking the Achilles tendon at the level of the ankle joint elicits a contraction of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, leading to plantarflexion of the foot
- reflex scoring: 0 – absent, 1+ – hypoactive, 2+ – normal, 3+ – brisk, 4+ – nonsustained clonus, 5+ – sustained clonus
- hypo-/areflexia indicates a lower motor neuron lesion or spinal shock
- hyperreflexia and clonus indicate an upper motor neuron lesion
- when an upper motor neuron lesion occurs, the cortical inhibition of lower motor neurons is reduced, which can cause the reflexes to become hyperactive and clonus to occur
Pathologic reflexes
- the presence of these reflexes is generally considered abnormal in adults and is indicative of the upper motor neuron (UMN) or central pathways lesion)
- Hoffman’s sign: pathologic flexion of the thumb and/or index finger upon flicking the nail of the middle finger
- Babinski sign: lateral plantar stimulation provokes an upward (dorsiflexion) movement of the great toe and often fanning of the other toes
- Chaddock’s sign: similar to Babinski, elicited by stroking lateral malleolus with a blunt object
- in a positive Chaddock’s sign, the great toe will extend upward
- not as common as Babinski’s sign
- Oppenheim’s sign: dorsiflexion of the great toe elicited by pressure along the medial tibia
- clonus: rhythmic oscillations following sustained stretch, commonly observed at the ankle
- sensory exam evaluates the integrity of the sensory pathways, distinguishing normal, diminished (hypesthesia/anesthesia), or exaggerated sensation (hyperesthesia, dysesthesia)
- modalities tested:
- light touch (using a cotton wisp or fingertip, the examiner gently touches the patient’s skin to assess their ability to feel the stimulus)
- pain and temperature (using a sharp object and warm/cold objects)
- vibration (using a tuning fork placed on bony prominences)
- two-point discrimination (assessed using calipers or a paperclip to determine the smallest distance at which the patient can distinguish two separate points on the skin)
- proprioception (positional sensation) (tested by moving the patient’s finger or toe up and down, or asking the patient to touch their nose with their eyes closed)
- higher-order sensory functions like stereognosis, graphesthesia, and tactile neglect may also be evaluated (although these are not part of the basic neurological exam)
- stereognosis = the ability to recognize objects by touch; graphesthesia = the ability to identify numbers or letters traced on the skin; tactile neglect = inability to perceive stimuli on one side of the body
- light touch (using a cotton wisp or fingertip, the examiner gently touches the patient’s skin to assess their ability to feel the stimulus)
- in the acute stroke setting, commonly only touch sensation and tactile neglect are assessed
- the examination often follows a dermatomal pattern to identify lesions in specific spinal cord segments or peripheral nerves
- focus on the patient’s symptoms, describe the extent of the deficit and its characteristics
- topical diagnosis:
- cortical lesion (typically contralateral hemihypesthesia + higher-order sensory dysfunction)
- brainstem lesion (dissociated sensory loss)
- spinal cord lesion (sensory level and/or dissociated sensory loss)
- radiculopathies (specific dermatome lesions)
- neuropathies (glove-stocking pattern, usually in the lower extremities)
Bracht-Romberg test (used to test proprioception and cerebellar function)
- B-R I – patient stands with feet apart, eyes open
- B-R II – patient stands with feet together, eyes open
- sharpened B-R = patient stands with feet in tandem
- BR III – patient stands with feet together, eyes closed
- loss of balance in this position may indicate deficits in proprioceptive pathways
- Romberg IV, V – patient standing with feet together, eyes closed, head turned to the right (IV) or left (V)
- assess walking at least 3 meters and back
- gait indicates the patient’s level of function – look at the base, stride length, arm swing, turns (how many steps are needed), and symmetry
- consider comorbidities and other factors (arthritis, obesity, pain, etc.) into account
- test modification – walking with eyes closed, tandem gait, tiptoe and heel walking, etc.
- examples of abnormal gait:
- paretic
- spastic
- antalgic (pain-induced)
- ataxic (cerebellar or sensory impairment)
- hypokinetic (slow, short steps):
- dyskinetic (involuntary movements, such as dystonia or athetosis)
- myopathic
- meningeal signs indicate irritation of the meninges (most commonly due to infection, subarachnoid hemorrhage, or meningeal carcinomatosis)
- the following tests are used:
- assessment of nuchal rigidity: if positive, passive flexion of the patient’s neck causes pain and resistance (also check rotation and lateroflexion to rule out cervical-cranial syndrome)
- Kernig sign: passive extension of the knee, while the leg is flexed at the hip in a supine patient, causes pain
- Brudzinki sign: passive neck flexion causes reflex knee flexion in the supine position
- Amos sign (tripod sign) – observed when a patient, while attempting to sit up from a prone position, supports themselves on their hands placed behind their back to relieve tension on the meninges; the patient exhibits discomfort while trying to sit up without using their hands for support