Arterial territories of the brain

David Goldemund M.D.
Updated on 24/03/2024, published on 12/01/2023
  • arterial territories refer to the specific regions of the brain that are supplied with blood by a particular artery or group of arteries
  • understanding the arterial territories is important for accurate diagnosis, localizing, and management of stroke
Territories 1
Territories 2
Territories 3
Territories 4
Territories 5
Territories 6
Territories 7
Territories 8
Territories 9
Territories 10
Territories 11
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arterie - kmen 1-2

vertebral artery

anterior spinal artery (ASA)

posterior spinal artery

arterie - kmen 2-2

posterior spinal artery

anterior spinal artery (ASA)

vertebral artery

arterie - kmen 3-2

anterior spinal artery (ASA)

vertebral artery

vertebral artery
(V4 segment)

posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA)

arterie - kmen 4-2

vertebral artery + caudal BA perforators

posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA)

arterie - kmen 5-2

long circumferential branches from BA + AICA

short circumferential branches from BA

paramedian perforators from BA

arterie - kmen 6-2

short circumferential branches from BA

long circumferential branches from BA + SCA

paramedian perforators from BA

basilar artery

arterie - kmen 7-2


basilar artery

branches from P1 segment + SCA

short nad long branches from P1 + posteromedial choroid artery

anteromedial branches from BA and P1 segment

arterie - kmen 8-2

thalamogeniculate artery

short nad long branches from P1 + posteromedial choroid artery

branches from P1 segment + SCA

anteromedial branches from BA and P1 segment

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Thalamic arterial supply
Lenticulostriate arteries
Intracranial arterial territories

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Arterial territories of the brain