Modified Rankin Scale (mRS)

David Goldemund M.D.
Updated on 17/09/2023, published on 22/02/2022
  • the modified Ranking scale (mRS) is used to assess functional outcomes (the degree of disability or dependence in daily activities) in patients who have suffered a stroke
    • mRS has been used in clinical research for more than three decades
    • mRS correlates with stroke type, lesion size, and neurological impairment as assessed by other stroke evaluation scales
    • individual quality of life and independence are influenced by a wide variety of factors, including the presence of comorbidities
  • increased reliability of mRS assessments can be achieved through the employment of a structured interview
  • mRS should be repeated over time to monitor recovery
Modified Rankin Scale (mRS)
  • no symptoms
  • mild deficit without significant disability
  • capable of performing all usual duties and activities
  • mild disability
  • unable to carry out all previous activities, but able to manage own affairs without any assistance
  • moderate disability, the patient requires assistance with some activities
  • able to walk without another person’s help
  • unable to walk and attend to bodily needs without assistance
  • bedridden
  • incontinent, requiring constant nursing care
  • dead
Modified Rankin scale (mRS)

Standardized interview for the mRS  (Yes/No questions)

  • Are you experiencing any troubling symptoms?
  • Can you perform all duties and activities as before?
  • Are you able to keep up with your hobbies?
  • Do you require assistance for basic tasks such as preparing a simple meal, performing household chores, or balancing a checkbook?
  • Do you need assistance with shopping or short-distance travel?
  • Do you require another individual to aid you in walking?
  • Do you need help with eating, toileting, or bathing?
  • Do you remain bedridden most of the day, requiring constant nursing care?

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Modified Rankin Scale (mRS)