Acute stroke complications

Bleeding classification after Stroke and Reperfusion Therapy (ECASS II)
ISCHEMIC STROKE / COMPLICATIONS Acute stroke complications David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 14/03/2024, published on 20/02/2023 [toc] typically, the neurological deficit is maximal at the onset of the stroke and may subsequently improve (either spontaneously or due to recanalization therapy) however, stroke patients are at risk of a variety of complications that may lead to death ... Read more

Stroke and migraine

Young female migraineur complained of prolonged visual aura and vertigo followed by migrainous headache. DWI demonstrated small cortical infarction in the right occipital lobe
ISCHEMIC STROKE / CLASSIFICATION AND ETIOPATOGENESIS Stroke and migraine David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 06/11/2023, published on 17/02/2023 [toc] migraine is the most common neurological disorder, affecting 10-15% of the adult population there is increasing evidence of an association between migraine and vascular disease (ischemic stroke, subclinical brain lesions, cardiac events, and vascular mortality)  [Lee, 2016] ... Read more

Stroke and celiac disease

ISCHEMIC STROKE / CLASSIFICATION AND ETIOPATHOGENESIS Stroke and celiac disease David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 07/11/2023, published on 16/02/2023 [toc] Celiac disease is a rare cause of ischemic stroke, and it may occur even in the absence of gastrointestinal symptoms It is essential to consider this diagnosis with regard to the manageability of the disease with ... Read more

Stroke and idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs)

Crohn disease
ISCHEMIC STROKE / ETIOPATHOGENESIS Stroke and idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 10/01/2024, published on 16/02/2023 [toc] idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) are chronic inflammatory disorders of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract with unknown etiopathogenesis. Generallly, idiopathic IBDs include the following forms: ulcerative colitis (UC) - characterized by transmural segmental involvement Crohn's disease (CD) ... Read more

TOAST classification of stroke

TOAST classification of stroke etiology
ADD-ONS / SCALES TOAST classification of stroke David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 20/04/2024, published on 28/12/2022 the exact etiology of ischemic stroke has implications for both prognosis and management a classification system for ischemic stroke subtype, mainly based on etiology, was developed for the Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment (TOAST) the TOAST classification ... Read more

Neuroimaging in pediatric stroke

Focal cerebral arteriopathy on MRA
ISCHEMIC STROKE Neuroimaging in pediatric stroke David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 27/02/2024, published on 09/12/2022 [toc] pediatric stroke is increasingly being recognized as an important cause of morbidity and mortality over 75% of children suffer long-term neurological deficits  mortality ~ 10%  19% recurrence within 5 years it has a unique presentation (that may delay correct diagnosis) ... Read more

Lacunar stroke

Lacunar stroke in the left thalamus
ISCHEMIC STROKE / ETIOLOGY Lacunar stroke David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 15/03/2024, published on 02/12/2022 [toc] lacunar stroke (lacunar cerebral infarct - LACI) is defined as a small subcortical lesion ≤ 1.5 cm in diameter, resulting from the occlusion of small penetrating arteries penetrating arteries originate at sharp angles from larger vessels, making them anatomically susceptible ... Read more

NIH Stroke Scale

ADDONS / SCALES NIH Stroke Scale (NIHSS) David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 14/03/2024, published on 27/09/2022 → NIHSS protocol → NIHSS online protocol (MDCALC) NIHSS is a standardized neurological scale developed to help physicians objectively quantify stroke severity scoring range: 0-42 (with higher scores indicating more severe stroke symptoms) scoring rules must be strictly followed to ... Read more

Recanalization therapy in pediatric stroke

ISCHEMIC STROKE / ACUTE THERAPY Recanalization therapy in pediatric stroke David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 04/01/2024, published on 21/09/2022 [toc] AHA/ASA (2019) - Management of Stroke in Neonates and Children stroke is relatively rare in children but can lead to significant morbidity/mortality the acute management strategies for pediatric stroke are extrapolated from adult studies, but they ... Read more

Recanalization therapy in acute stroke

Recanalization therapy
ISCHEMIC STROKE / ACUTE THERAPY Recanalization therapy in acute stroke David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 27/01/2024, published on 16/09/2022 [toc] Introduction acute stroke therapy aims to restore blood flow, allowing oxygen and nutrients to reach the ischemic brain tissue recanalization refers to the reopening of an occluded artery reperfusion refers to the restoration of oxygen and ... Read more

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