Colchicine in stroke prevention

ISCHEMIC STROKE / PREVENTION Colchicine in stroke prevention David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 25/03/2024, published on 24/03/2024 [toc] Introduction despite the proven efficacy of antithrombotic, lipid-lowering, antihypertensive therapies, and lifestyle modification changes for ischemic stroke prevention, the risk of stroke, coronary events, and vascular death remains high accumulating evidence suggests that inflammation is of key importance ... Read more

Neuroborreliosis and stroke

Erythema chronicum migrans
ISCHEMIC STROKE / ETIOPATOGENESIS / INFECTIOUS VASCULOPATHIES Neuroborreliosis and stroke David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 10/03/2024, published on 22/02/2024 [toc] EFNS guidelines on the diagnosis and management of European Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB) Introduction Lyme disease (borreliosis) is the most common anthropozoonosis; the typical vector of borrelia is the tick Ixodes ricinus ticks, larvae, and nymphs are ... Read more

Stroke and HIV infection

Stroke and HIV infection
ISCHEMIC STROKE / CLASSIFICATION AND ETIOPATHOGENESIS Stroke and HIV infection David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 21/02/2024, published on 19/02/2024 [toc] human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) attacks a group of white blood cells called CD4+ T lymphocytes (also known as helper cells), in which the virus replicates and later kills them, reducing their number in the infected person's ... Read more

Prevention of ischemic stroke

ISCHEMIC STROKE Prevention of ischemic stroke David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 25/04/2024, published on 02/02/2024 primary stroke prevention - interventions and measures taken to reduce the risk of stroke in asymptomatic individuals secondary stroke prevention  - interventions taken to reduce the risk of recurrent ischemic stroke in individuals who have already suffered a stroke or TIA; ... Read more

Poststroke spasticity

Poststroke spasticity
STROKE CONSEQUENCES Poststroke spasticity David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 16/03/2024, published on 14/01/2024 [toc] poststroke spasticity (PSS) is one of the symptoms associated with central (upper) motoneuron lesions studies suggest that ischemic lesions involving the basal ganglia, thalamus, insula, and white matter tracts especially the internal capsule, corona radiata, external capsule, and superior longitudinal fasciculus, are ... Read more

Stroke-related epilepsy (STRE)

Stroke-related epilepsy
ISCHEMIC STROKE Stroke-related epilepsy (STRE) David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 27/02/2024, published on 22/12/2023 [toc] stroke, both ischemic and hemorrhagic, is a significant cause of seizures, especially in the elderly stroke accounts for ~ 50% of newly diagnosed seizures among the elderly stroke patients have about an 11.5% risk of single or recurrent seizures in the ... Read more

Clinical Consequences of Stroke

Stroke consequences
ISCHEMIC STROKE Clinical Consequences of Stroke David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 15/02/2024, published on 15/12/2023 stroke is associated with a wide range of clinical signs and symptoms resulting disability depends on: the location and extent of the brain lesion → signs and symptoms of cerebral lesions → brainstem syndromes the degree of neurological recovery (influenced by ... Read more

Poststroke depression

Posstroke depression (PSD)
ISCHEMIC STROKE Poststroke depression (PSD) David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 27/01/2024, published on 15/12/2023 [toc] depression is the most common mood disorder in patients with cerebrovascular disease (30-60% of patients with CVD) depression occurs after both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke PSD can develop at any time after a stroke the risk of PSD is highest during ... Read more

Mechanical recanalization in acute stroke

Mechanical recanalization in acute stroke
ISCHEMIC STROKE / ACUTE THERAPY Mechanical recanalization David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 10/04/2024, published on 26/11/2023 [toc] 2019 - ESO - ESMINT Guidelines on Mechanical Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke 2019 - AHA/ASA Acute Ischemic Stroke Introduction mechanical recanalization (thrombectomy or endovascular treatment) is an essential method for treating large vessel occlusions (LVO) the goal is ... Read more

Overview of imaging modalities for an Acute Stroke

E-CTA (Brainomix) shows the left ICA and MCA occlusion
IMAGING METHODS Overview of imaging modalities for an Acute Stroke David Goldemund M.D.Updated on 06/11/2023, published on 14/09/2023 historically, neuroimaging in patients with acute-onset neurological deficits has been used primarily to exclude hemorrhagic and nonvascular etiologies (e.g., neoplastic, infectious, etc.). over time, neuroimaging has become an essential part of acute stroke management and is used ... Read more

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