Ischemic optic neuropathy (ION)
Updated on 06/01/2024, published on 11/07/2023
- Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (ION) is a condition characterized by significant visual impairment due to ischemia of the optic nerve
- ION is the second most common optic nerve disease after glaucoma in patients over 50 years of age
- there are two distinct types of ION (anterior and posterior) based on the arteries involved
- posterior ischemic optic neuropathy, PION
- rare lesion of the retrobulbar portion of the optic nerve
- likely caused by occlusion of one or more pial branches
- uni- but more commonly bilateral involvement
- no optic disc edema
- anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, AION
- more common
- posterior ciliary arteries are affected
- optic disc edema
- posterior ischemic optic neuropathy, PION
Ocular vascular disorders |
Ischemic optic neuropathy (ION) |
Central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) → more |
Hemi-central retinal vein occlusion (HCRVO) |
Branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) |
Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) |
Branch retinal artery occlusion (BRAO) |
Cilioretinal artery occlusion |
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Content available only for logged-in subscribers (registration will be available soon) |
- vascular occlusion and hypoperfusion are primarily involved in ischemic optic nerve damage
- nocturnal hypotension and mechanical factors may play an important role (compression due to ischemic edema or external compression completes the vicious circle, leading to irreversible visual impairment)
Clinical presentation
Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, AION
- visual impairment
- typically unilateral, sudden, and permanent
- transient visual loss is unusual in the nonarteritic form (NAION), amaurosis fugax may precede permanent visual loss in the arteritic form (AAION)
- unilateral visual loss accompanied by decreased visual acuity (typically <20/200) or visual field defect (usually inferior altitudinal scotoma)
- painless in NAION
- typically unilateral, sudden, and permanent
- relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD, Marcus-Gunn pupil)
- “relatively” impaired response to light compared to the unaffected eye
- optic disc edema
- commonly chalky-white pallor in AAION and hyperemic swelling in NAION
- accompanied by hemorrhages or cotton-like ischemic deposits in the adjacent retina
- edema progresses relatively rapidly to either total or partial sectoral atrophy
- the development of nonarteritic ION in the fellow eye is reported in 25-40% of patients, whereas new attacks in the already affected eye are rare
Posterior ischemic optic neuropathy, PION
- rare compared to AION
- visual impairment
- sudden and permanent, painless loss of vision, often bilateral
- due to hypotension or severe anemia
- sudden and permanent, painless loss of vision, often bilateral
- NO optic disc edema
- afferent pupillary defect present in unilateral lesions
Diagnostic evaluation
A rapid identification of the etiology is crucial because it determines the therapeutic management; corticosteroids must be promptly administered in cases of AAION
- clinical examination
- fluorescein angiography (FA)
- poor, delayed, or absent choroidal filling is characteristic for arteritic AION
- differentiation of the AION and PION
- in AION, papilledema is present in the first 4 weeks after onset
- in PION, fundoscopy is normal; the pallor of the disc develops within ~ 8 weeks
- after 4-8 weeks, optic disc atrophy develops in both forms
- an altitudinal visual defect and unilateral involvement are typical for AION
- early diagnosis of the arteritic form (especially temporal arteritis) is essential; signs of arteritis include:
- older age, rapid progression
- headaches
- swollen and pale optic disc
- systemic symptoms (loss of appetite, myalgia, weight loss, fatigue, fever), periorbital pain, jaw claudication
- ↑ ESR (up 70-120mm/min) and ↑ CRP (97% specificity if both are elevated), elevated platelet count
- the diagnosis of arteritis is confirmed by superficial temporal artery biopsy
- other imaging methods
- MRI may differentiate between AAION and NAION; high-resolution T1 shows optic nerve disc enhancement (bright spot sign) + intravitreal protrusion in AAION (Remond,2017)
- ultrasound shows characteristic dark wall swelling (halo) and acute occlusion in active AAION
- Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) may also provide clinical evidence of the optic nerve ischemia
- MRI may differentiate between AAION and NAION; high-resolution T1 shows optic nerve disc enhancement (bright spot sign) + intravitreal protrusion in AAION (Remond,2017)
- laboratory studies for other systemic predisposing factors (vascular risk factors, CBC, etc.)
Differential diagnosis
- optic neuritis
- infiltrative optic neuropathies
- optic nerve inflammation associated with syphilis or sarcoidosis
- anterior orbital lesions with optic nerve compression
- diabetic papillopathy
Nonarteritic form
- antiplatelet therapy + management of vascular risk factors
- the administration of steroids is obsolete
- optic nerve sheath decompression (ONSF) is controversial in this indication
- negative results of the multicenter randomized clinical trial – Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Decompression Trial (IONDT)
- in this study, there was a high rate of perioperative and early postoperative complications and a surprisingly high rate of spontaneous improvement in the control group
- in this study, there was a high rate of perioperative and early postoperative complications and a surprisingly high rate of spontaneous improvement in the control group
- consider decompression for progressive non-arteritic forms
- negative results of the multicenter randomized clinical trial – Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Decompression Trial (IONDT)
- approx. 40% of patients with non-arteritic AION will recover spontaneously
Arteritic form
- start treatment with high-dose corticosteroids ASAP → see Temporal arteritis